
Darul Hidaya Dars is an institution runs under the HIDAYATHUL ISLAM DARS & MADRASA COMMITTEE. situated at the heart of Orkkatteri which is historical rich and famous. About 65 talented students study and get training here under two prominent scholars.

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What's JSA?

Jalaliyya Students' Association leads the curricular and extra-curricular activities.


JSA deals with many activities to build up high qualified Islamic scholars under Ahlussunnah wal Jama’a. Our intention is to keep up the way of Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W).

Orkkattery Darul Hidaya Dars was

named relating to the Mooriyad Darul Hidaya Dars of Shaikhuna Mooriyad Usthad,

who was the spiritual light of Northern Malabar by his deed and birth, spiritual disciple of Kanyala Abdullahil Maula (R), took a remarkable journey in the spiritual field by preserving the purity of Darsi studies and possessed the thousands of disciples.

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